The movie is told from the Monster’s perspective. After married couple of scientists create then leave him for dead, this perfect creation-turned disfigured monster must come to grips with the horrific nature of humanity.

The movie is told from the Monster’s perspective. After married couple of scientists create then leave him for dead, this perfect creation-turned disfigured monster must come to grips with the horrific nature of humanity.
A mysterious old sailor arrives in Grey Rocks, Nova Scotia and meets a young boy and mother whom he offers to help for his own reasons.
A nameless robot girl has recently been given the gift of life from her creator, while exploring the wonders of an ordinary world she meets an amazing mutant boy and they share a friendship that must overcome their warring families.
Return to a world of two realities: one, everyday life; the other, what lies behind it. To find out if his reality is a construct, to truly know himself, Mr. Anderson will have to choose to follow the white rabbit once more.