The film tells the story of struggling inexperienced attorney Rudy Baylor who takes on a huge fraudulent Insurance company to fight for a woman whose insurance company will not pay for an operation that could save their son’s life.
The Rainmaker

The film tells the story of struggling inexperienced attorney Rudy Baylor who takes on a huge fraudulent Insurance company to fight for a woman whose insurance company will not pay for an operation that could save their son’s life.
The movie centers on Rusty James, an uncool teenaged hoodlum as he struggle to live up to his adored brother’s reputation, Motorcycle Boy, in an impoverished industrial town.
The movie tells the story of undead vampire Dracula who comes to England to seduce a visitor’s fiancee and inflict havoc in the foreign land. The girl’s friends gather together to try to drive Dracula away.
It is the height of the war in Vietnam, and U.S. Army Captain Willard is sent to carry out a dangerous mission into Cambodia to assassinate a renegade colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local tribe.
The movie details a town split between the wealthy South Zone gang called ‘;The Socials’; and the poor North Zone gang called ‘;The Greasers’;. Ponyboy, the youngest of three orphaned boys who pal around with the local hoods known as the Greasers. When Ponyboy and his friend get into a deadly confrontation one night, the […]
When the aging head of a famous crime family decides to transfer his position to one of his subalterns, a series of unfortunate events start happening to the family, and a war begins between all the well-known families leading to insolence, deportation, murder and revenge, and ends with the favorable successor being finally chosen.
An aging Don Michael Corleone seeks to legitimize his crime family’;;s interests and remove himself from the violent underworld but the ambitions of the young keeps him back. While he attempts to link the Corleone’;;s finances with the Vatican, Michael must deal with the machinations of a hungrier gangster seeking to upset the existing Mafioso […]
The Godfather Part II presents two parallel storylines. One involves Mafia chief Michael Corleone in 1958/1959 after the events of the first movie; the other is a series of flashbacks following his father, Vito Corleone from 1917 to 1925, from his youth in Sicily (1901) to the founding of the Corleone family in New York.
With great achievements under his belt, Tucker is determined to create a futuristic car for the masses: the Tucker Torpedo. Naturally, the corporate fat cats of 1947 can’t abide competition from a rugged individualist; thus, with several politicos in their pockets, they crush the Tucker and the man who built it.
Follows Michael Corleone, now in his 60s, as he seeks to free his family from crime and find a suitable successor to his empire.