Buddy Hutchins

Buddy Solitaire is a struggling comedian on the late night circuit. The only job he can get is teaching comedy to the mentally ill. Buddy discovers, however, that by helping these patients, he can get closer and closer to healing himself.
A struggling actress inherits a bevy of colorful villains after desperation (with a touch of femme fatale) drives her and her gullible boyfriend to steal big from the Los Angeles underworld.
Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationship, all she wants is a chance to begin again. But it is hard to start over when something is…
A pair of bank robbers knock off Bohemian tenants in search for their stolen loot.
When a frustrated loner gains popularity as an Alt-Right vlogger, the online echo chamber turns his fears into a deadly rage.
Colonel John Taylor enlists billionaire inventor Leor Teska to fund a secret black site, testing Teskas new nano technology for military applications, developed by scientists. When one of …
After the tragic loss of both parents, 11-year-old Tim Hart is forced to live with his immensely immature Uncle Max, a second rate magician. and who, with the help of his nephew, tries to cultivate his last hand at love. Abracadabra, oops.
Imprisoned for 17 years by her father in the basement of their home, who knows what could save Sharon and her seven sibling -sons? Based on a real story.