Easy-Bake Battle - BrokenSilenze

Easy-Bake Battle

Inspired by Hasbro’s iconic Easy-Bake Oven, features skilled home cooks who must compete against each other using their most ingenious kitchen hacks to prove who can make the easiest, fastest, and most delicious food.

Easy-Bake Battle

Season 1

08 Episodes -
  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 1: Midnight Mun-Cheese

    S1-E1 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 1: Midnight Mun-Cheese

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 2: No Time to Dine

    S1-E2 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 2: No Time to Dine

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 3: Kids Eat the Darndest Things

    S1-E3 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 3: Kids Eat the Darndest Things

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 4: Holidays the Easy Ways

    S1-E4 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 4: Holidays the Easy Ways

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 5: Breakfast to Impress Fast

    S1-E5 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 5: Breakfast to Impress Fast

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 6: Vacation Recreated

    S1-E6 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 6: Vacation Recreated

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 7: Dinner, Dinner Chicken Winner!

    S1-E7 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 7: Dinner, Dinner Chicken Winner!

  • Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 8 - Stuff, Skewer and......a Toast!

    S1-E8 Easy-Bake Battle - Season 1 Episode 8 - Stuff, Skewer and......a Toast!

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